Tuesday, March 24, 2009

John Baptist called, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

"A wrong mental image of God can be

as dangerous as a metal image of God."

When a dear Roman Catholic friend passed away, we observed a statue of Mary on a pedestal, with a crown on her head and three children kneeling before her. Across from her was Jesus with a bleeding heart, but NO pedestal, NO crown, and NO worshipers.
A dear lady at the dinner later mentioned that some people accuse Catholics of worshiping Mary, but stated that this is NOT true.
I considered reminding her of the display in the foyer of their church, but held my peace.

1 comment:

viktor c said...

I often regret for the things I didn't say. If you love your friend, tell them, because that will make them think, otherwise they are satisfied with their state. Never miss an opportunity to speak up.

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