Friday, March 27, 2009

A Night Moving Bees From Almonds Into Oranges

Victor, Jodavid and I, Lance, got back around 7 pm from supering bees all day. We stopped by home to eat a bit and hook up the trailer.

Bees drink a lot of water in oranges. One load of bees drink about 50 gallons of water each week, so Jodavid filled the 300 gal tote half full of water.

Jodavid drove the forklift onto the trailer while we ate. I grabbed the liquid smoke. Victor loaded two barrels into the back of the pickup for bee water and from there set them on the trailer pulled by the old white van.
Regina filled our water bottles and we were off.
When we got to the 120 acre almond location, we unstrapped the forklift. Jodavid hopped on and loaded all the supers while Victor and I laughed in amazement.

I said, "You see Jd on the forklift?

He is eleven years old, doing a grown-up man's job."
By the time we got to the road, Dad drove by us all strapped down and ready to go!

Jd loaded the boom trailer and the dodge completely but got tired as he was loading the 18 foot flat trailer, so Victor took over loading the last three pallets and rearranging them. I, strapped them down and pulled the ramps. It was 10 pm and Jodavid was tired and wanting his bed. We should have called Mom to pick him up since we were only three miles from home.
We were off to the oranges, a 40 min. drive. Jodavid was socked out, asleep in the back seat. We were so proud of him.
When we got to the olive tree orchard (owned by an Arab man) near oranges, I parked out by the road. Victor drove the forklift back inside the orchard and unloaded the trailer in the olive rows.
Dad and Jodavid headed for home around midnight.
Victor unstacked the bee hives in the olive rows. We drove over to the hills where we filled buckets and barrels full of water for our thirsty bees to drink and made it home by 2 am.

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