Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Messianic Character of American Education

Intellectual Schizophrenia ~ The public school is the established church of today and a substitute institution for the medieval church and dedicated to the same monolithic conception of society.
It is apparent that any religion which frees man from the burden of original sin also frees him from the "burden" of responsibility. Responsible man gives way to man the pawn of environment and heredity. Here the old conflict between pagan philosophers and Christian thinkers, culminating in Augustine's writings, is reproduced. When a man is freed from God and His eternal decree, man does not thereby eliminate the problem of evil. By denying his culpability, man denies his responsibility and therewith his manhood. As a consequence, the pagan philosophers ended by destroying the dignity of man which they sought to establish, whereas Augustine, with his insistence on predestination and original sin, restored responsibility, order and manhood...
But whenever and wherever the doctrine of total depravity (with its analogue, total responsibility) is eroded, or absent, then responsibility, which is essential to social order, devolves upon the state...

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