Friday, March 20, 2009

The Monstrous Regiment of Women film showing

Melody and I are making sauerkraut from two cases of cabbage while listening to Paul Jehle.
Lance and Vic are trying to get in 90 queen bees into hives, while JD does his school work with Mom. And Dinah is planting blackeye peas before some of us head north for a journalism camp. Some of our sisters in Christ plan to show the Monstrous Regiment on Sunday. A "gutsy" documentary, named after a monograph by John Knox, it features an all female cast with heroines like Phyllis Schlafly. Dinah is all geared up for it, with a newspaper quote to share that she received from a Communist Party member in San Francisco.

We happened to sit in front of the Gunn family at SAICFF this year. I didn't realize who they were until I heard Colin's Edinburgh accent. His sweet wife Emily was holding their new baby Patience who lives up to her name.

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