Thursday, March 12, 2009

Slavic Wedding & Women's Day Gathering

Mike and Marianna's wedding
was right after church.

In the two hour wedding,
the pastor packed in all the marriage advice he could.

Five choirs sang.
We took photos of each one!

Prayer for the Newest Family

Slavic men and women sit on opposite sides of the isle.
It was beautiful and focused on the word of God.

BUT there was no Kiss!
Brothers in Christ
Marianna and Mike

The Occasion for A Hummer Limousine

After the reception,

the bride and groom invited the youth from their church

to their home.

They stayed till midnight.

Meanwhile, Nadia (from a different Sacramento Slavic Church)

hosted a Women's Day gathering

for young women in her parents' home.

Yana and Nadia
There were about 20 young ladies present.

They showed the documentary Return of the Daughters,

which was created to encourage girls to

prepare in their youth to be biblical women.

Scripture calls women to be homemakers (Titus 2:1-5),

Homeschooling (Deut.6:4-7) mothers (Geneses 1:28) and

helpers to their own husbands (Gen. 2:18).

This woman is the most honored, respected and influential

women in the world. Her role is one of the most critical in

society. It is the mother who is the primary channel through

which culture, religion and tradition is transmitted.

The old saw is true “the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.”

Luke and George spoke on the necessity of girls turning their hearts

to their fathers. God created fathers to be

the protectors, providers and priests of their daughters and home.

Numbers 30:3-5, Mal. 4:5-6, Proverbs 1:8, 3:1


Anonymous said...

Could you have possibly chosen ANY photo worse than that one of Luke???

Esther said...

Sorry Luke,
We thought we needed a picture of the men present.
Thanks for all your Slavic name spelling corrections!
We love getting them right.

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