Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why the End of the World is Not in Your Future by Gary DeMar

This book shows the long history of prophetic prognosticators and their failed predictions in trying to identify the Antichrist, the date of Christ's return. These failed prophecies took away from the duty of Christians to disciple the nations and look to the future with optimism.
Instead of Christians being a city on a hill, a model of Christian Charity many get sidetracked with an eschatology to rescue the saints out of this world, away form cultural responsibility and Biblical stewardship.
~ Book Review by Lance Seppi

Pre-Civil War Evangelical eschatology was largely postmillennial, expecting Christ to return in judgment after a millennial reign of one thousand years. Post-Civil War Evangelical eschatology was dominated by a new doctrine of premillennialism. This view expected Christ to return before the millennium to take the saints out of this world in an event called the "rapture." ~Donald Dayton, Discovering an Evangelical Heritage

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