Monday, April 20, 2009

If at first you don't Secede.....Try, Try again :)

Secession is an important Constitutional principle.

John Wycliffe said, "This bible is for the government of the people,

by the people and for the people."

Abraham Lincoln perverted the quote

by removing the word "bible,"

making it look like a we are a democracy (mob rule)

rather than more accurately a constitutional republic.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Ron Paul is a dangerous man... dangerous to the socialist agenda. And part of what makes him so dangerous is that he is not afraid to "prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good". He never fears to examine the present popular status quo, and do so in a detached manner. His other basis for being dangerous is his ability to articulate clearly, with passion, but remain focused.
He is absolutely correct: it was Mr. Lincoln's orders to invade the sovereign states of the south that spelled, in the minds of the victors and vanquished, the principle that secession is not acceptable behaviour. Slavery was merely a rallying cry, the agenda was far deeper, and far more insidious, than that. I also believe the resultant chaos and social re-engineering resulting from that invasion and conquest has been far more devastating than the alternative, which was to simply bide our time and await the eminent demise of the slave-based agrarian economy of the South. Those changes were already well underway before Virginia was invaded by force.

Mr. Paul is also quite correct in his assessment that the collapse of the dollar, destroyed by over-zealous federal meddling, WILL result in the Federal government failing to deliver on the promises and "services" to which we've become accustomed, even dependent. Those who prepare ahead by establishing an economy not dependent upon federal meddling will survive in better condition than those who continue the present course. At that point in time, WE the PEOPLE will again have to take matters (that have always been ours to manage) back into our own hands. The federal government will have exploded itsself by their unabated drive for ever-continuing expansion and interference where they've been legally restricted by the Constitution. How it will all work out is, at this point, rather difficult to tell. But work out it will.

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