Sunday, June 14, 2009

Audit the FED Update - HR 1207 now has 224 co-sponsors

Congressman Devin Nunes has courageously fought for water for the farmers.
On Fri. afternoon, David called Devin's office at 4:30pm. out of concern that he had not yet signed Audit the FED. David said he is planning to speak on The Federal Reserve at the July 4th Tea Party for the Central Valley and would not like to mention that our own congressman had not stood for it. David also spoke with an almond grower who said he would also speak to Devin on the issue. Good News! Devin then signed up as the 224th (most recent) congressman on board! Rep Nunes, Devin [CA-21] - 6/12/2009

Check if your representative has signed on:

Urge your congressman and senator
S 604: Federal Reserve Sunshine Act of 2009.
Companion bill to HR1207

Recently when Ron Paul, as member of the House Finance Committee, asked Ben Bernike, chairman of the fed, what happened to two trillion dollars, he responded I don't have to tell you anything. He had a similar response to a question regarding 9 trillion unaccounted for dollars just a couple months ago.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

I am glad to see ths many have "come aboard" this needed legislation. We are commanded to be faithful stewards of our goods, that includes money (for most of us, a fairly direct representation of how we spend our time). If WE as citizens are called to give account for our "small change", how much more our "public servants" for the collected vast sums in their hands, which in reality belongs to we citizens? Have these people forgotten the fact they are OUR servants, and therefore accountable to WE THE PEOPLE? Do they think we will long endure the endless dropping of our sustainance into a bottomless pot with no interest in how it is being spent? When I ask myself WHY these people are so close about how they distribute OUR money, I can only think of a few possibilities, none of them upholding any standard of integrity or honesty. Perhaps there is another reason, but I cannot think of it. "none of your business " does not answer......

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