Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Community Solutions for Gangs

Last night, Dad, Lance, Victor and I (Dinah) went to a gang awareness meeting in our town.

Speakers from the chief of police said they are doing all they can to suppress gang violence but they need parents to take responsibility for their own children to prevent it.

“The problem is we are losing our children!” “I do not want to see these handsom young people laying dead in the streets.” It is no longer like it is on television where juveniles get out of prison. We prosecute juveniles who will never get out of prison for the rest of there lives.

One officer, Mario, lost his 18 year old son after two hours at a party. A couple years later at a toddlers birthday party his daughter and her 5 year old brother were in a car. The 5 year old was shot in the back of the head by an AK- 47 [in Goshen] amazingly the daughter was fine after 14 shots were found in the car. “Kiss, your children while you have them. Love your children never let them go somewhere you do not know.

The Chief of Tulare County said “The problem starts and ends at home.”

“When your children say ‘you are ruining my life, I never get to have any fun with my friends.’ It is time for parents to say “No!”

We often know who did a crime, but many people feel intimidated into not coming forward and witnessing “We need you as a community to support witnesses and encourage them.”

In a crowed of about 200 they were asked to raise their hand if they had a friend or relative in a gang about 60-80 raised their hand.

Many of the community spoke of their experiences. Daddy stood up and said, “All these police are doing their best.

You must turn back to Jesus Christ.

Men must once again be the priest of their home.

In our home we do not watch television. Children do not need all their friends; they need you. You must be the best friends of your children. Take them with you where ever you go. I don't need to spank my children anymore, but I sure used to. Children need discipline from their parents.

Many in the audience said “Amen!”

When it was over our County Sheriff Bill Witman came over and said “You are so right! God is so important. They have taken it away from us. You can’t say God anymore. Children cannot pray in schools.” He shook our hands and said “I’m still eating that honey you gave me.

Lance said “the greatest thing is self government!” Bill Witman said “That is right! And, gun permits!”

A big Thank you goes to Pete Vanderpool for organizing the event.

Many people from the community shared.

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