Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court???

Sonia is on the National Council of La Raza is subsidized with your taxes to promote its radical views. They advocate AZTLAN, the separation of several southwestern states from the rest of America as a Hispanic-only homeland. Aztlan is the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.

They demand open borders, unfettered immigration and citizenship, billions of dollars for bilingual education, health care, housing, job and wage guarantees and anti-discrimination protection.

She made an extravagant case for Puerto Rican statehood based on her affirmative action plan. She urges special rights for her ancestral homeland and argues that US pay for the right to regulate Puerto Rico.

Sonia undercuts constitutionally guaranteed property rights, forcing land be turned over to a private developer.

Sonia would kill the death penalty. She listed eight arguments against it.

Sonia says convicted murderers should have voting rights while imprisoned. Sotomayor is a racist. Her dissenting opinion in Hayden v. Pataki is an example of taking racial grievance-mongering to absurd depths.

She opposes the death penalty for Puerto Rican killers.

She is pro-ROE. In six prominent court cases she supported abortion, even late-term abortion. Sonia wants to liberalize authority of legal service lawyers for pro-abortion lawsuits.

Sonia rules for fish and felons. Fish outweigh people on her scales of justice.

This information

I have gleaned from

Howard Phillips

Issues and Strategy Bulletin

Please urge your senator to

vote NO on Obama's nominee.

Oppose Sotomayor's confirmation.

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