Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sardine Run

This takes my breath away!


Anonymous said...

That was amazing. I have never seen anything like it. What a beautiful portrait of God's provision for His creation.

Nick Jesch said...

Awesome piece, thanks for sharing it with us. I was particularly astounced by the agility of the gannets underwater.. I never knew they could actually SWIM down there.... almost as agile as they are in the air. The underwater footage is amazing.....

and to think so many people are silly enough to believe all this is a result of "time plus chance". Well, such have greater faith than I do. God has a plan for each of His creatures filling a given place in the whole scheme of things. Its also a great picture of His abundance. Millions of sardines.. to feed thousands of birds and hundreds of larger fish.
Wonderful Saturday morning treat. Now, work is screaming for my hands...... so silence the din I must.

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