Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dorhn: The Female Fiend ~ Composition by Melody Seppi

It was midnight. A loud “whoo, whoo” echoed through the sleeping city. The apparent “restless” owl call was the signal.

Immediately, fire burst out from a score of

torches igniting the explosive trains.


The news flashed across the front page of the Chicago Tribune.

At a small downtown coffee shop two friends rondevoxed.

“Well, Bernadine, a toast to the arson Queen!” said Ayers.

“Ha, Ha! You know Bill, if we ever get tired of doing this job,

all we have to do is fly out to Academia.”

Said Dorhn with a sardonic smile

“I don’t think anybody guesses

that we use Mao’s ‘Red Book’ and Marx’s Manifesto

as our ‘standard of life,’ do they?”

“Nope” Ayers laughed, “And when we do we’ll use the same books

and inculcate our own establishment of religion.

They will soon learn to worship and serve the state

as the giver of all things good.

So what did the Venezuelan Bigwig say?”

“He said we ought to next explode the Capital, Pentagon

and all police and public buildings” said Dorhn.

“Hee, Hee, Ho, Ho Western civ has got to go!”

said Ayres with a laugh.

“But, Capitalism MUST die

so that the cause of the people triumph”

Dohrn retorted.

“Vive, Robespierre. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

or death makes the pinnacle of the democratic spirit.”

“Yup” said Ayres “I heartily agree.”

“The old must perish that the new may reign supreme,”

said Dorhn “let’s map out our next project

and title it with the moniker of Revolution Extraordinaire.”

“There is a way that seems right unto a man

but the end thereof is death.”


Terrorist Targeting of Police by Bill Jasper

deals with what the Weather Underground did

and their connections with Islamo-Leninism.

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