Monday, August 17, 2009

The Kingdom Driven Life

40% of children are born without fathers; 70% of boys are not grown up at 30 years of age. We have a train wreck on our hands.

People are looking for purpose; this is evident in the big sales of the book, The Purpose Driven Life. It is the best selling hard back in world history. “Purpose driven” can be more me centered.

R. J. Rushdoony wrote, “The major concern of most church members is not the Lord’s battles … but, how best can I enjoy life? Or as some say, “All that matters is that we are happy.”
What is God’s larger purpose? Jesus said to pray for is His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. We are to be excited about building Christian civilization in every way shape and form.
The Bible does not say to protest, although there is a time for protest, the Bible says “increase and multiply.” Gen 1:28 This is one of the ways God uses to grow his kingdom.
Immigrants multiply quietly under the radar. However, God’s Kingdom is not likely to mature in our life time. Future generations depend on us. Let’s not drop the ball!
We will stop when we reach our goal. Ladies, if your goal is a godly marriage it is an ungodly goal. Your marriage should be used for God. People want to have a happy marriage so they decide not to have more children. This is to make an idol of marriage.
If our goal is patriarchy, you get domestic tyranny. On the other hand, if godly patriarchy is focused on seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness… then it channels the energy into nations that honor God.
All of these things we work for: Godly marriage, biblical family, building businesses, churches and a just civil government. All of these are a means to an end. The end is the Kingdom of God.
The two Kingdoms are the New World Order and the Christian World Order. It is another top-down centralized tower of Babel. The Christian order is grass roots, bottom-up. As God changes our hearts, it changes the government over us.
Wheat and Tares 13:24-30 The establishment of God’s justice and order throughout the world until the tares are so few that the angels can pluck them out with ease. Both are trying to crowd the other out.
But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt. 6:33)
We are not to circle the wagons around, get our rifles out and make our last stand.
Now is the greatest time to advance the Kingdom of God. We are moving into a time of incredible decentralization and probably the greatest opportunity that we have had for the establishment for the Kingdom of God, since the fall of the Roman Empire. This is a huge opportunity. But it is important for us right now to begin decentralizing, establishing relationships, building our families and churches.

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