Thursday, August 20, 2009

Scriptural Principles for Marriage Preparation

Love God: Deut. 6:5, 11:13, I John 5:2,

Honor parents: Exodus 20, Eph. 6

A father's duty to protect daughters from rash or unwise vows: Num. 30

A father’s duty to protect his daughter’s purity: Deut. 22 (Remember it's the principle)

The young woman's preference (Gen 24:58, I Cor. 7:39)

Not defraud each other (I Thess. 4:6)

Overall the scripture highly recommends marriage, rejoicing with “the wife of your youth.” Proverbs 5:18

The Lord’s Church ought to be known for abundant life including many weddings and births.



Our lives are not our own. “Marriage is not just for us; it is for the LORD, it is for the World.” ~ Steve Wilkins

Why do your parents care so much about what you study, who you marry? Because this is what elites do. ~ C. Ortiz

Elites are distasteful to me, but as we think of it in terms of, "We are children of the King," so it behooves us to give our daughters in marriage and take daughters for our sons only among people God honors. The elite of this world, if not humble before God, are a grief and a disgrace. ~Esther

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