Sunday, September 20, 2009

You are a key to your husband's health and restoration.

I am a former Berkeley football player, a three year starter. I boxed a year and a half with pros but decided not to enter the full ranks. I came to this little town, a lonely 32 year old bachelor, where I finally found the sweet gal I married. We become Birchers, homeschoolers, had seven children and for seven years built our own home. I have been running and working out for 35 years.

Twenty-seven years ago we heard Raymond and Dorothy Moore with Jim Dobson speaking on Focus on the Family. He taught on homeschooling and often mentioned health insights. Dr. Moore mentioned that his book which Dr. Dobson encouraged him to write would be coming out soon.

Dec. 1986 we saw Homemade Health for sale at the Bible bookstore in Fresno. It revolutionized our lives. I soon gave up most animal products and eventually my wife did too. Her red face cleared up and for the most part, her allergies too. After two miscarriages in a row, she was amazed to experience far easier pregnancies and deliveries, with no more threats for c-sections, swollen ankles, high blood pressure or hemorrhoids.

While not a panacea for everything, our children have grown up without the many earaches and illnesses we had as children.

Dr. Sharfenbrenner, who had been Pres. Eisenhower’s personal physician, mentioned to Dr. Paul Shakespeare that somebody should go work with Dr. Pritikin because he’s going to change history. Dr. Shakespeare went to work with Nathan Pritikin at Pritikin’s famous Longevity Institute in Santa Barbara.

When a relative had cancer, we turned to Dr. Shakespeare for advice. He discipled our family each Monday evening, and taught us about the human body also how proper nutrition helps the body to heal. This approach moved us toward a whole plant-base-starch based diet.

The seven best doctors anywhere and no one can deny it are sunshine, water, rest, fresh air, exercise, diet and trust in God. These can be your friend if only you are willing. Your ills they’ll mend and cost you not a schilling.

Sunshine has "Super D" which helps the body heal. We need it at LEAST 15 minutes a day. Kids without sunshine get a greenish tint in their face and oldsters perpetually have that pale white face, almost death-like.

We were in a cold damp cavern for a half hour. When we came to a single beam of light that worked its way down, it was one of the most welcome sights I had ever seen. "Oh God give me sunlight."

Abraham slaughtered an animal when the three visitors came. This was a very special occasion. When the prodigal son returned, it was cause to kill the fattened calf. Scripture encourages feast days. These are wonderful, but when animal products or desserts become part of three meals a day, it will likely result in poor health over time.

Americans are good at celebrating and may take offense at such talk, but remember no one could keep up with Jackson’s foot-cavalry which were largely denied fine Yankee meals.

As a former athlete, I observe the remarkable endurance that comes with whole foods in a plant based diet. We read in Dr. Hans Diehl’s newsletter that the Dallas Cowboys adopted this approach some years ago.

Olympic great, Carl Lewis, said McDougall’s Plan is ideal for him giving him energy without weight gain.

Two of the best resources we have found are Dr. John McDougall ( – His clinic could be helpful); and Dr. Joel Fuhrman, former Olympic figure skater, author of Eat to Live, and an excellent book on children’s health: Disease-Proof Your Child, Feeding Kids Right.

I observe that many pastors and leaders are in dangerous condition. Does it have to come with so much good fellowship? Is God removing these men whom we desperately need?

I am not a beginner, nor just an enthusiast. We have seen this bless our lives immeasurably over the years. I love to eat and would be in great danger had not my wife and sweet daughters learned these principles of preparing wholesome meals. I am 62 and I run 15 miles a week without fear. God has blessed me.

I pray that God will use this in your heart because you are the key to your husband’s future. A long life with a clear mind is God’s way. I feel this is my service to the King.

By the grace of God,

Your servant,

David R. Seppi

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