Tuesday, December 22, 2009

According to the Dispensationalists’ View by Lance

Charles Ryrie & Eugene Merrill 2/3 of the Jews are yet to be annihilated. Israel will be created on the ruins of her own suffering. Charles Ryrie said in his book The Living End, in the chapter entitled, “A bloodbath for Israel,” he states that 2/3 of Israel will be killed during the Great Tribulation.

This is extreme racism. It was never to a race, but always to a line of faith.

Zionism is the antithesis of Biblical Christianity.

My position is that the world will be converted to Christ and the nation of Israel will be Christ’s followers in the line of Christ. In the meantime we dare not talk about a rebuilt temple. Jesus is the TRUE temple. On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished.” [Temple (Matthew 24:2), Land Promises (Joshua 21:43), David’s throne (Acts 2)]

Egyptians who left with Israel and people from surrounding nations in search of the true and living God were allotted land with the Israelites. One who blasphemed God was put out of the camp, never to return. Not a bloodline, Heb. 11: by faith Abraham, Rahab…

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