Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas Concrete

Melody smiles even when I get after her. Thank God for sweet sisters!
Ramp Forms


Victor transporting rebar

Jd Tying a Dobie


Concrete stakes

The price of concrete is in the labor.

Getting the Last Bit of Cement

Timothy is 20. He's worked concrete since he was six.

Kinda Leveling?
Sometimes we think the knights went out with the dragons, but really
they just changed form and wear things like dirty sweatshirts. ~JT

Seppi Men

Float that Float!
It's amazing how much boys thrive on working with men.

Winter Sunset

Dinah Sewing her "Emily" Dress

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Sometimes we think the knights went out with the dragons, but really
they just changed form and wear things like dirty sweatshirts. ~JT

I love this caption. and it is SO heartening to see such mighty knights unafraid to wear such "uniforms"... and sweet princesses who are wise enough to recognise them for what they are. Rare indeed. And good hope for the future. Who knows what battles will be fought in times to come? Mighty knights and their Queens will carry the day.

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