Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do away once and for all with "Saint" Lincoln by Lance

Do away once and for all with "Saint" Lincoln. He plunged these united states into a bloodbath that took the lives 1.2 million dead, missing or wounded. We're still trying to loose the chains of slavery with which he unleashed on us. Obama is desperately trying to tighten them. Marx loved Lincoln and commended him in a letter for the reconstruction of a social world.

The first Communist club was in NY. Three of the founding members were later Lincoln’s generals: Wedemeyer, Anneck and Willich. Karl Marx commissioned Lincoln’s future General Joseph Wedemeyer published the Communist Manifesto in America.

There were 50,000 Southern civilians that were killed by besieging cities - Richmond surrendered a few days before Robert E. Lee surrendered, Grant burned them to the ground. Lincoln hung, shot, and imprisoned ministers of the gospel like E. M. Bounds. He shut down 300 newspapers, confiscated guns in the border states, censored voting, imprisoned political opponents - Northern sympathizers known as "Copperheads."

No man did more to promote Communism in the US prior to the Bolsheviks than Charles A Dana. An absolutely must read is “Red Republicans, Lincoln’s Marxist” by Al Benson and Walter Kennedy.

Frederick Engels, a coauthor of the Communist manifesto, bragged that the Union army was saved early on in the war by the 48ers. European Communists that fled from the failed revolutions in Europe in 1848, but "succeeded in these united states with their revolution. One 48er was Charles Dana, the assistant sec. to Abe Lincoln, and a close friend of Karl Marx. Lincoln called Dana “the eyes of my administration.” It was Dana who recommended sending Grant to burn the Shenandoah and Sherman to burn Georgia in the "March to the Sea."

As Engels confided to Weydemeyer, one of the preliminaries of a Communist Revolution was the establishment of a "single and indivisible" republic. "Indivisible" as was inserted into the socialist pledge of allegiance by a mason, Francis Bellamy, whose cousin Edward Bellamy wrote "Looking Backward."

Francis Bellamy declared that "indivisible" was the meaning of the Civil War.

1 comment:

The Miller Family said...

Wow, great -- albeit disturbing -- information. The propaganda pushed throughout our society today makes one desire to search out the actual truth of a matter so as not to be lulled into a false ideal of who we honor and respect.

Thank you for posting such valuable information.

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