Monday, January 11, 2010

Who your lawmaker is defines who your god is.

The law defines morality. Rom 3:31 The law is holy, just and good. God’s law does not justify us. It shows us a higher standard. How else would we know right from wrong?

Paul says, “Do we make the law void through faith? Certainly not. We establish the law.” Rom 3:31 The law is holy and the commandment holy, just and good. Rom. 7:14

What was done away with at the cross? It was the sacrificial system which includes the temple, the lamb, and now we have the better high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Jesus is the fulfillment of the temple, the lamb and the priesthood.

If we do not know the law, then we do not have a clue of what Jesus was doing hanging on the cross. The law teaches us the meaning of the cross.

Jesus said He came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.

Which law do you prefer: God’s law, the scripture or man’s laws contained in rooms full of books?

I Tim 1:8 The law is good if one uses it lawfully.

We are not justified by the law but it is the means to our sanctification.

God’s law teaches responsibility. Man’s law enslaves people with the burden of housing feeding and clothing murders. God’s law says that whoever sheds blood by man his blood shall be shed. God's law teaches us responsibility through restitution, caring for the poor among you - the orphan and the widow, [It is a sign of tyranny when the poor are being oppressed - Isaiah 10:1] putting to death murderers…

Jesus said, “If you love me keep my commandments.” His commandments are more than the ones in red. We stand with the apostle Paul, in affirming that God’s law is holy just and good. As God’s people, we establish God’s law.

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