Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pro-life, Southern Baptist Debra Medina is for gun rights.

Though it is not ideal to vote for a lady for governor; it is evil to vote for Rick Perry. He has sold Texas to a borderless state with Mexico. That is treason. Rick Perry has gone out of his way to promote the NAFTA super highway. He says it is for "goods and services," but the real purpose is to obliterate our boarders. There would be no boarder check point. Anyone can drive right through into our country. The first checkpoint is in Kansas City, Kansas. Many Texans have lost their ranches through Emanate Domain. It is 1200 feet wide; Texans slowed it by requiring each county to approve it. Rick Perry is still pushing for putting in a superhighway. He is not for constitutional states rights as Texas has had a proud history of. He just mouths words that conservatives love to hear. Texans pleaded Rick Perry to stop the Tran-Texas Corridor and the Real ID card.

Debra Medina managed Ron Paul’s campaign for the state of Texas. She says, "Texas has no room for the EPA." The Environmental Protection Agency mandated a $10,000 2008 filters and additional one for 2010. This is destroying business for truckers. She is a constitutionalist. She believes in limiting government, ending property tax in Texas.

I am disappointed that Christian men like Dr. James Dobson’s endorsement of treasonous Rick Perry.

Rick Perry passed a law that forced all girls to be vaccinated with STD prevention injections. This treats all girls as if they are harlots.

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