Monday, March 8, 2010

Geoff Botkin Mentoring session #8- February 20, 2010

Luke 12:30 For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knows that you have need of these things.

But rather seek the kingdom of God; and his righteousness.

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Responsibility that is impossible to disciple nations. We should fear because the task is nearly impossible. Fear not little flock—we should do this even if we never get millions to work with us.

It’s a whole lot easier to spiritualize it and explain it away. ‘Oh it is in our hearts.’ Most of us have been lied to about what the kingdom of God is.

Q: I am just not getting it as a leader. My family is getting older. I’m not very much engaged. My wife sees more of a vision that I see and how do I just get started? I am very discouraged and fearful at this time because I have not been able to get it right.

A: The main thing you have right is: Father, mother, children. This is a phenomenal victory that you are in an intact family. You do not need to have the vision all at once. You have been given an opportunity. You have a wife, children. Let your family see you as a leader, making slow consistent progress. That is what I’ve done. If I have anything to teach, it is by God’s grace. What your family needs to see is you, little by little, getting off the American playground and deploying your family on the battle ground. Your mission and duty is to subdue the earth. You cannot do this without your wife’s help. Gen. 1, 2, 3. Your mission is to subdue the earth, so you are given a helper. She will be happiest, most fulfilled if she can help you.

Seven steps to help with confidence.

1 Train your children. Begin with confession. – It is not a feeling you have; confess a specific sin that violates the law of God. Confess fear.

2 Represent Christ. Begin by reading and teaching. Every one of you can do this. The word of Christ is in the Bible. Read scripture with yourself and family—even if you are only doing this one, two minutes a day.

3 Model discipline. Begin by setting a schedule for family worship. Prepare and teach. “I’m going to get up early. Your family will respect you so much when they see you have thought this out ahead. In colonial times family worship was taking place twice a day up and down the eastern sea board. I read a missionary early 1900’s.

4 Teach the law of God. Begin by spanking. If you have not been spanking and your homes are not peaceful, start. This will bring peace to your home. When I am counseling families this is one thing that they usually miss. Scripture says if you spank your children, you will experience the peaceful fruit of righteousness in your home.

5 Draw your sword publicly. Write a small track. Take it to neighbors. Talk to them. ‘Hi we’re the Jones family, we are trying to obey things most important. Jesus sat down with the woman at the well and simply talked to her. Start a small bible study. It may just be one other family from your neighborhood. It may only be only five minutes, or ten minutes. You don’t need to fake it – be open with your family, confess your shortcomings.

6 Develop a more robust reading schedule; verse memory schedule. Talk about the ideas in the books. I hate recommending anything that will be seen as a formula. Your children will ask for more, applying the law of God to boys fighting down the street, the accident… Men will eventually come to you

This country is becoming ungovernable.

Q: If we have not done well at inspiring our family to follow our vision of building the estate.

Simply be consistent yourself. Pray about and see little victories and point them out. When your children are more sanctified outwardly, you will give thanksgiving for each family member helping change take place. If your children are contributing to change in the neighborhood, you can be effective in world progress.

Q: Can TV be a corrupting influence?

A: I saw a quote, “It is impossible to have a Christian mind if you watch American television.”

Q: how do you be a mentor to men whose worldview may not be biblical without your won children being negatively impacted?

You are responsible to God for the home culture of your home. You know the children are unruly. You must never surrender to influences you c cannot control.

Maybe have everyone sit down in the living room. You are the lord of your castle, you must make the rules. If you say, ‘Ok they can only hang out with Christian children.’ You are still responsible, just because they have a Christian name tag does not mean they are righteous.

Q: When/how did you know your sons were saved?

We’ve been fed a line, from Charles Finny that we could twist someone’s arm, get a commitment. We can never know or judge for certain, because we cannot see or judge the heart. What we can see and we are commanded to judge is the fruit.

Now courtships and marriages are happening and these children are marrying each other and one is not regenerate. Sometimes it is hard with daughters who are just darlings, to really know. You daddies of young ladies, you need to spend enough time with a young man to know.

Here is a bit of a guideline, not a formula.

If the young men and women in your home are not interested in reading scripture they are probably not regenerate. Of the young men I’ve seen come to Christ, out of Marxism, homosexuality were the ones who had an appetite for the word of God.

Young men, friends of my sons have grown up. One came to his father, “Dad I’m not saved.”

At ages 7, 8, 9, when my children woke up they read the Bible. I wanted them in the word. They were doing it out of habit. You will see the difference.

Keep treating your sons like men, expect them to work like men, expect them to have manners of a Christian gentleman.

The disciples spoke about righteousness, the law of God, self control, and the judgment to come. Have these talks all the time. Judgment is coming

Q: what is your opinion on a family temporarily relocating to an area near a correctly ordered church in order to worship and observe for a time? I think it is a phenomenal idea.

Q: I guess where I am struggling the most is the concept of proper church government. It seems that some of the small churches that are being formed are very quickly establishing old church bureaucracy. I could even say popery, in that they are either sole-pastor-led or have leaders that don’t stand for election and serve for life.

Continue to study the word of God. If you are part of it you are responsible.

It is clear that elders don’t get tenure; he must have character qualities in --- if he looses those, he steps down. With elders they need the grace and dignity and maturity to step down.

Why was election important to some of the reformers? Men being appointed that were not even Christians.

Q Titus 2 states that the older women should teach the younger. How does a husband go about making sure that there are godly elder women about?

A: When churches become healthy, people are being added to the number daily, there are older women. While this is important, scripture commands it, you are her primary teacher. Scripture tells your wife to ask you at home. My wife has been faithful to disciple younger women sine the week she came to Christ. What I and my wife are doing, if churches were healthy, our ministry would not be necessary. My children know this. Western Conservatory was not started to be an empire, it was designed for a temporary thing; the sooner we can fold it up because churches are strong, the better.

Q: How does one deal with the issue of militant feminism within the body of Christ?

Call it what it is, Marxist. Feminism trained up a whole generation of spiritually arrogant wives who emasculate their husband. My wife will be explaining this.

Q: How did you handle Proverbs 5 with your sons? Mine are ages 9 and 11.

A: There are predatory women who can destroy you. I focused on the end of the chapter that gets to the point. “The ways of a man are open before the Lord.” The very first verse my children learned is from Job, “God sees me.”

The Lord sees you, your habits, if a man does not fear the Lord, he will become tied down with sin. There are these predatory women who tie you down. Sometimes there are women who are really mean and nasty, act nice, like a little puppy, they come in and sneak up under your arm, to get on your lap and get your affection. If you are a fine upstanding young man, who can care for a wife, they will go after you. You are not as wise as Solomon and you can fall. You are not as strong as Sampson and you can fall.

I teach them about the most dangerous part of a woman’s anatomy, her eyes, she can capture him with her eyes. “Don’t let your eyes turn aside to the ways of a harlot.” If you are seeing American television, which is 80% pornographic now…

I talked to a consultant to a big ministry. He had dinner with other leaders. When dinner was over, men were feeling frisky, ‘let’s go out and get some women.’ My friend was shocked; these men were adulterers, joking about it.

You need to judge carefully about when you tell them about these things. I was caught off guard. I needed to take Isaac with me to a technology conference. He was the technology expert at age 14. It was in Los Vegas. “Isaac we are in Sodom.” There were women standing on the street. Pimps handed out full color postcards. He could see his father’s grief. Turn to my ways; do not turn aside to her ways.

This is not just outward conformity. We have a lot of television equipment in our home.

Q: Where do tithes go for a church with only a few families?

A: Tithing and Dominion by R. J. Rushdoony very simple study of the scripture. There is a biblical way to tithe and tax.

Q: how specific does our church covenant need to be?

A: Cite confession, a paragraph about your church that makes it distinctive, pledge that you will have holy speaking and teaching in the church. Specify how to leave the church and who the leadership is.

Q: referring to a young man’s inheritance from his father, being the father of the young man is it my responsibility to ensure he has a house…

A: Modern wedding conventions are a big extravaganza around the bride for sentimental pageantry. Not around the groom’s vision.

We have taxes far higher than the taxes that Egypt leveled on the Hebrews.

Wouldn’t it be great, where wealth is grown over generations that we can give houses and lands? Yes. You say, I am just trying to get through the month. We may not be able to give this in this generation, give your sons the vision and training so that they can.

Founders view:

Quotes on democracy

Q Is the ‘Kingdom of the God’ a physical national entity or a spiritual growth?

Jesus instructed us to pray for his kingdom to come. How? ‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’

Every magistrate, every pastor, every economist; your home is one of those jurisdictions. Every part of life has to be in submission to him.

Q: How is it proposed that a Christian Nation-State would endure?

A: Colonies asked King if they could structure their own governments. How will it endure? Deuteronomy tells us that: discipleship. We must train our children to stand in the gates and not be ashamed. One of the promises of Psalm 127

Q: Has the US passed the point of no return? Can it be redeemed or does it need to utterly fail?

There is a point of no return when you do not pray for your country; rather defect to the Chaldeans. I still think there is time to repent before the terminal curse. Or I wouldn’t be here. If the American people continue in the course they are in, committing the sins of Sodom:

Ezekiel 16:39 "Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

It could be that we need to remove their families. The Jews who did not leave Jerusalem died. An attorney named John Price believes we have reached this. He wrote it to help get families out. I do not necessarily recommend this book; I think he departs from scripture in places.

The goal is not to have “America”. I am a Christian, an international citizen of the Kingdom of God.

Q: Does a man have any business remaining in a jurisdiction where he would be unable to guarantee to a potential bride that he would be able to defend his children from state confiscation?” – This question comes from a young man in another country. These are the hard questions of men during a transitional time in the kingdom of God.

I never advocate retreating. There are times Christians need to move. The pilgrims saw Dutch influence on their children. German families did not want their children in the Hitler youth. Some went to South America, some went to Africa. The wise man sees evil and hides himself.

Q: Concerning a Christian nation; how can we build one but not become a tyranny under the name of Christianity like Constantine was.

Let’s be careful. Who taught us about Constantine? He wanted to set up a Christian kingdom. He did and it lasted 1000 years. No one else has done that.

How do we build a family without being a tyrant? Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

Taxing is designed to create stress between classes. United States has become a police state. I pay my taxes, because I choose my battles very carefully.

Q Do you say that our young men should not serve their country?”

A: All young men should serve their country as disciple makers. In WWII, some of the young men from Germany, well worn young new testaments found in their pockets. Advance the cause of international socialism. Should they join the armed services if and when God is fighting against the nation? What is the contract they would sign? Can they resign if they are given an illegal command? I get this question from many young men in different nations.

Q: Why do you call a man wise if he calls himself and atheist?

Next time, think long term. The tasks not finished in our life time; can be completed by our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I pray you men will stand fast. Lord willing, we will be together one more session. I’m very proud of you and I want you men to persevere.

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