Saturday, April 3, 2010

Patriarchy vs. Feminism

Martin Selbrede's constructive biblical critique of both Feminism and Patriarchy.

Patriarchy is a great blessing, as long as it is under the Lord. Having lost someone we love through their idolatry to an ungodly autonomous patriarchy, we hate it almost as much as we hate godless autonomous feminism. We need to learn more how to apply God's word.

The Botkins have a saying that, every culture is a patriarchy. Some lead well for God's glory, while other cultures lead badly for Satan's glory.

Feminism is simply women helping tear down God's design in family, church and state. Godless patriarchy does the same thing and lays the groundwork for a culture under judgment.

There is a time for a lower magistrate to correct an higher magistrate.

Paul told the young Timothy how to correct an older man appealing to him as to a father. He is to speak to younger women as to sisters and older women as mothers.

Daughters are valuable here with brothers, sisters, Mom & Dad. A woman too can appeal to her husband.

Men are concerned with conquering. Women are concerned with relationships. Women need to help their men conquer rightly. Neither can do this without being under Christ.

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