Wednesday, March 31, 2010

USDA Regulations

USDA Says "Raw" Almonds, Including Organic, Must Soon be Steam-Heated or Treated with Toxic Chemical

Small-scale farmers, retailers, and consumers are outraged over a new federal regulation that will require almonds to be sterilized with various "pasteurization" techniques.

“Raw produce and nuts are not inherently risky foods. Contamination occurs when livestock manure or fecal matter is inadvertently transferred to food through contaminated water, soil, or transportation and handling equipment. Raw foods can also be infected by poor employee sanitation either on the farm or in processing facilities.”

We know of a family in Orange County that requires their customers to sign a document that the goat milk purchased is for animal consumption. They sell a quart for about $18.

According to USDA our almonds may be for animals. The sheller told us the almonds have gone through a sheller machine. That's it. The ones we toss out sprout and grow trees in the compost pile.

Almonds & Honey

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