Thursday, April 29, 2010


Dinah made a beeswax candle with Hawaiian flowers scent in a coconut shell.

Dinah made a candle in an orange peel,

since our bees are in the oranges now.

She plans to extract orange blossom honey today.

Victor caught a hummingbird.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those candles look like they would smell delicious! I just watched the video that the West Ladies produced on candle making the other night- it was so interesting! They and you have inspired me! :)

Wow, Victor, that's quite an accomplishment! Hummingbirds are so fast! Cats can usually barely get them! Congratulations!

The other day I had a hummingbird come withing inches of my leg several times- it didn't seem to think there was any danger. I contemplated trying to catch it but didn't attempt it because they are so fast and I didn't want to hurt it. :)

The Dischers said...

Beautiful candles!

How on earth did Victor catch a hummingbird? Pretty neat!

Paula said...

There is something special about the boy/man who can catch a bird. I was looking out my kitchen window and my son Gideon was petting a chickadee at the feeder. If I hadnt seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it ! Blessings to the Seppi Family from We, Padilla's in New Jersey. We are the relatives of Zen and Greg : )

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