Thursday, June 3, 2010

Newt Gingrich

is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was Speaker of the House during Clinton's presidency. He voted for billions more than even Bill Clinton wanted for the Dept. of Edu. Newt gave us NAFTA which exported 3-7million jobs according to the NY Times and GATT and the WTO an unconstitutional court above the US court, which tells us what we can or cannot sell, taking away US independence.

Newt said you can understand his philosophy by reading the Third Wave, which describes a society where abortion, homosexuality and promiscuity are common and even virtuous and the Constitution is outdated.

Newt’s mentor was Henry Kissinger (CFR) who believes in endless policing the world.



Douglas L. Yarbrough said...

and now this has-been or never-was is trying to pass himself off again as a conservative leader. I laughed when I saw him and, I think, Mike chasing the camera down at a Tea Party in Atlanta a year ago when the Tea Parties started talking about trashing the IRS and the Income Tax. These people were in power for 15 years and hardly breathed a word about that, much less making it happen.

Shannah Hinrichs said...

He is an adulterer also.

Dale Cates said...

Newt fits in perfectly with the Big-Brother/Government Republicans...there are really two "wings" of our big government today, the democrat wing and republican wing...reform won't come from Newt or Washington, DC, or even the state houses, it will come from the local levels if it comes at all. It certainly won't come from the establishment politicians like Newt...

The Kautts said...

...Beware of the fake conservatives - of whom Gingrich is chief!

Caleb Kautt

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