Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ronald Reagan was Not What People Think

Americans are wishful trusting thinkers, wanting to believe in people. The scripture reminds us not to trust in princes. Thomas Jefferson said, "Say nothing of confidence in man, but bind him down with the chains of the constitution."

RR repeatedly publicly promised to pick a running mate who shared his well known conservative views (against the insiders) then turned around and picked insider CFR member, George Herbert Walker Bush.

RR said he would reduce the size of government, get rid of the Dept. of Edu. then got in office and doubled it. He put more CFR members in his cabinet than anyone before him, and 313 CFR members held posts as Government officials.

RR destroyed American missiles.

RR said he would lower taxers and balance the budget, but he raised taxes and spent like crazy tripling the debt. During those eight years, the United States went from being the world's largest creditor nation to becoming its largest debtor.

At the Ronald Reagan Library you see Reagan's jacket with the crossed Mexican and American flags and hear Ronald Reagan's recorded words saying he wants to unite the all the Americas from Canada to Tierra Del Fuego. Who are the supporters of it the Ronald reagan Library? Peoples Republic of China, *CFR, George P Schultz...

*The Council on Foreign Relations is an organization dedicated to obliterating our borders and getting rid of American independence. As well as giving us a one world currency and one world police-force.

1 comment:

RM said...

Great Post Seppis!

I have learned that criticizing the late Ronald Reagan is the "Unpardonable Sin" in conservative circles. Thanks for having the guts to post this.

RG Miller

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