Thursday, July 8, 2010

Is Heme Iron Good for Us? a potent oxidant. Excess iron in the body causes the production of free radicals which in turn can damage cells, leading to many kinds of disease and causing premature aging. For example, when sufficient quantities of heme iron are present, as is likely to happen when appreciable quantities of beef, cholesterol is oxidized into a form that is more readily absorbed by the arteries. This leads to increased rates of heart disease.
With non-heme iron -- the kind found in plants -- it's a totally different story. Your body absorbs only what it needs. When your iron needs are higher, your body absorbs more; when they are lower, it absorbs less. And in this case, the wisdom of the body has profound implications for health and longevity.
~John Robbins, Healthy at 100; How You Can -- At Any Age -- Dramatically Increase Your Life Span And Your Health Span, page 150

I've read experiences of pregnant women who were anemic and used herbal iron when conventional supplements did not help. One said, "My iron count soared." ~Regina 

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