Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chuck Baldwin on Neo-Cons

Ask yourself why Fox News never (or hardly ever) invites non-establishment patriots to appear on their network. Why do you not see former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Roberts on Fox News? Why do you not see former Georgia congressman and Presidential candidate Bob Barr on FoxNews? Why do you not see former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura on Fox News? Why do you not see former Director of the US Office of Economic Opportunity and Presidential candidate Howard Phillips on Fox News? Why do you not see Presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin on FoxNews? The list is endless.



Missy Kelm said...

If u owned it and it was ur show--u would have the guests u chose---freedom---like ur house!

Amy Hester said...

Fair and balanced must be fair and balanced in all aspects. They'll have ambassadors of Islam, but no, I have not seen these guys on there...

Regina said...

Fox's owner, Murdoc, supported Hillary Clinton for Senate. The point is, don't consider them unbiased. We do like Judge Napolitano, who is pretty Constitutional.
You are right, Missy, those who serve lead and those who own the networks have a lot of influence.

Beth Braun said...

Oh bother...the SECOND LARGEST shareholder of Fox News is...SAUDI Prince Alwaleed bin Talaal, who also with Dean Elena Kagan's support used his oil bucks to spearhead at 'her' Harvard Law School the Islamic Finance Project, the beachhead for 'civilizational jihad' in America. Civilizational jihad is what Talaal aims for--conquering the infidel CULTURE by 'cultural means', using his money to allow Islam to infiltrate every undergirder of our society, from the media to the school textbooks.
"The stridency with which Fox News personalities attack the downtown Islamic center — red meat for the millions who tune in each night — is an example of the often uneasy relationship and occasionally diverging interests between many of News Corp.’s properties, in this case Fox News and its parent corporation. For example, News Corp.’s second-largest shareholder, after the Murdoch family, is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the nephew of Saudi Arabian King Abdullah, and one of the world’s richest men. Through his Kingdom Holding Co., Alwaleed owns about 7 percent of News Corp., or about $3 billion of the media giant."

John Lofton said...

Chuck Baldwin also wonders why on Fox News haven't we seen such "non-establishment patriots" as Bob Barr (whose mentor was militant God-hating "atheist" Ayn Rand) and Jesse Ventura more interesting than Barr but....well...I don't miss seeing on TV. In any event, here's interview I did with Barr; mine were NOT his favorite questions/topics.

159: Exclusive Interview: Libertarian Prez Candidate Bob Barr On God & Government, His Atheist Mentor Ayn Rand, Abortion, Homosexuality, Terri Schiavo - Not His Favorite Subjects

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