Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rush Limbaugh

is a neocon supporting the big government warfare/welfare state. 
He said, "Divorce has been very good for me." This shows he is a covenant breaker. 
He believes in evolution. 
Limbaugh is not a constitutionalist. 
He pocked at Clinton regarding Monica L, but failed to point out his treason in 
-giving away the Panama Canal which we had paid for three times! 
-giving our secret missile technology to the Chinese.

1 comment:

Douglas L. Yarbrough said...

They like to "nationbuild" and "spread fr-ehdum" as George W. Bush with his fake-Texas-accent used to say. Rush is all about that too. His religion of American Exceptionalism believes that America should send troops all over the world and spread "fredum" and overthrow all dictators in order to "protect freedom" and combat "Islamo-facism" (Of course, to Rush, if Bill Clinton does these same things, then all of a sudden it's unConstitutional, criminal and wrong. I.E. Kosivo, Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia)

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