Saturday, November 20, 2010

Educational Freedom

The homeschool movement represents the essence and best hope of a free society in which individual families decide freely how to educate their own children.  Its growth is the best indicator that “free men do not wait for the future; they create it.”  
~Samuel Blumenfeld, Revolution Via Education

“There is no doubt that the decline of Christianity in America is due to the capture of its educational institutions by the humanists. The process started as early as 1805 when the Unitarians took control of Harvard University and began their long-range campaign to eradicate Calvinism as the chief spiritual and cultural force in America.” R. J. Rushdoony, Messianic Character of Education, p. 333

Rousas J. Rushdoony has done more to advance the cause of educational freedom in America than any other Christian theologian. “The Messianic Character of American Education,” first published in 1963 is a monument to independent scholarship and historical investigation. In that book we see clearly delineated the philosophical conflict between humanism and Christianity that has raged for decades throughout American culture and particularly in the field of education. Education is basically a religious function, even when it is atheistic, and Christian education is hardly viable without religious freedom.
~Samuel Blumenfeld, Revolution Via Education

 “Since the old God has been abolished, I am prepared to rule the world.” ~Nietzshe
This is the meaning of humanism’s inescapable totalitarianism. Total government is [for them] a necessity, and everything in man requires it. Humanism seeks to abolish the God of Scripture and rule the world. 
~RJ Rushdoony, Roots of Reconstruction p. 11
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