Monday, November 1, 2010

The Greatest Acceptance Speech I’ve Ever Heard in My Life -- Doug Phillips

The ‘Best of Festival’ Jubilee Award — with its $101,000 cash prize — went to Agenda: Grinding America Down, a documentary that traces the alive-and-well socialist agenda from its roots established by Karl Marx and other radical revolutionaries to the present day, demonstrating how that Communist ideals have largely captured America and uprooted the once-great foundation of our nation. The 92-minute film was produced and directed by former Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers.

“I want to thank Vision Forum, and I want to thank Doug Phillips for the vision he has had to not only create Vision Forum that has motivated us and driven us to be better home schoolers, to be better parents, to be bonded with our children, but then the Film Festival,” continued Bowers. “I would never have made a film in my life if I had not come to the ... [Christian] Filmmakers Academy and [San Antonio Independent Christian] Film Festival just last year. I was so motivated and so inspired by what they said and what they taught us.”

“They made me realize how important this is: how powerful media can be, and how important it is that we be involved in [this arena].”

Bowers dedicated the award to his children, relating a poignant account of how his children have prayed for him since the day he shared with his family his goal to produce this documentary.
“That night when we were going to bed, I remember ... when [my son Christian] prayed, he said, ‘Dear God, help Papa’s film to win the Festival,’” observed Bowers. “Every single Friday since that Festival, my children have voluntarily fasted and prayed that Daddy wins the festival. And that is the only reason I am standing up here. I am not capable of making a movie. -- Curtis Bowers, quoted from Doug's Blog

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