Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Grandma's parents met at her mother’s family farm
 when he came through with the threshing crew.  
She was a good cook and he was looking for one. 

Grandma told us her growing up stories: 
of celebrations in the old farm house, 
going swimming by the railroad bridge, 
her uncle who never married and
 played town clown at carnivals,
 going to nurse’s training and being at the hospital 
when men came in from Iwo Jima.

Fresh Rosemary to Stuff the Turkey

Turkey Broth

 Thanksgiving Dinner

We enjoyed the New York (Street) Gym in Jackson, Ca.
[No photo available]

Melody & Dinah volunteered with their Grandma at the Hospice used clothing store in the back room tagging and pricing seven bins of clothes.

Mark Rushdoony's sermon conclusion was,
In Obediah, God makes a point of showing
His wrath against the Edomites who symbolize all those
 that show disdain for God's covenant people. ~Es

In spite of Edom's technology and advanced learning, 

Edom did not rule, God did. 

Today, the Beijings and Washingtons of the world 

may think they rule, but God does.  ~R

Thanksgiving with "Uncle Jay" & Donna  

Old Friends

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