Wednesday, February 2, 2011

H.B. 54: Georgia Pastor Supports Carrying in Places of Worship (www.geor...

In the early days of Pilgrim and Puritan America, IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW FOR A MAN NOT TO HAVE HIS FIREARM IN CHURCH.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

I did not realise Georgia forbade carry in churches. I know Utah do as well.. that started with the mormons being afraid of attack, so they outlawed it. Then it spread to all churches... can't discriminate, you know....

In Washington it is legal... and so I do. Never can tell when some wierdo might come in and go on a rampage. I do hope this bill is passed into law. It does seem ALL the mass shootings are perpetrated in "gun free zones" of one type or another. Like ducks in a shooting gallery. Not good. The First Ammendment applies inside the churh building, why not the Second?

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