Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Truth Changed Lives.

Daddy and I talked to girls as they went into the abortion chamber.

Terri begged this prisoner, “Do not give your baby the death penalty! Please we will adopt it! Officer, will you please let her come and talk to us?”

I said, “We could care for your baby till you get out of prison and send you pictures!” They ignored us and went in. Our tax dollars pay for this crime of abortion (killing small people). To our delight, about 10 minutes she came out and left with the officer.

"Christians" bring girls in for abortions.

We encounter a few who say they are “christians,” and come preaching a new gospel of antinomianism, which means anti-God’s law. Their creed is, “Do not judge.” Their mental bible consists of a few verses, "The bible says, 'Thou shall not judge!'”

One guy told us last week “God died for everybody. That is why they ripped His beard out. God forgives everyone. Nobody is going to hell!” He said he went to church.

I explained to a lady who brought the above gospel: “John 7:24 says, ‘Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.’ We are supposed to judge.’”

Terri said, “The verse you mentioned says, ‘Do not judge for in the manner you judge it will be measured back you.’ Jesus is against hypocritical judging.” The escourt chanted, “God will forgive me!” Terri asked “When you sin what are you supposed to do for God to forgive you?” She said to apologize to God.

"Jesus said, If you love Me, keep My commandments.' (John 14:15) Maybe you do not love God," I said.

This gal came to thank Terri for talking her out of an abortion.

She brought pictures of the new baby!

Here is the second prisoner in one day.

Breanna, on (left), arrived with her mother (not in photo).

"She was dead set on an abortion." Her mom said.
"Yes, I was." Breanna agreed. "But when I heard your words I just could not do it."
Breanna is 20 years old and single. We thank God she will soon have a little friend.

"...when I heard your words I just could not do it." ~Breanna
"You mentioned you could help in some way. How can you help?" her mom asked.
We told her we could do a baby shower and tell our friends on Facebook and the blog.
If you would like to send a gift or come to Breanna's baby shower in Bakersfield, Ca.
e-mail Dinah

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