Thursday, June 9, 2011

Congratulations to Anthony Blakeslee – the WINNER of Dr. Fuhrman's 2010 Six Week Holiday Challenge Contest!

Anthony Blakeslee
Age 19
Erie, PA
Total Weight Loss: 75 lbs
The last month of my senior year I was stunned when I saw a photo of myself. At 18 years old, I was 6'1" and 263 lbs. I had a triple chin and no energy to participate in physical activities. I was obese and I felt horrible. This is not how I wanted my life to be at all. If this was what I looked and felt like at 18, what would happen by the time I reached my 30th birthday? Would I even reach my 30th birthday? I was heart broken and disgusted and in June of 2010 I joined a gym and tried to lose weight. I didn't have a plan or any support, I lost six or seven pounds and I quit.
In July of 2010 I attended my aunt's wedding and was seated next to a wellness coach who is also a patient of Dr. Fuhrman's. I noticed that she was eating something different than everyone else and I asked her about it. She explained that she was a nutritarian and that she tried to eat as many nutrients in every meal as possible. I told her that I didn't think I could ever do that because I liked fast food too much. What she said made sense and it stuck in my mind.

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