Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Fruit of Her Hands - quote

  "If you read approximately ten chapters a day, you will read the New Testament once a month...You will be surprised at what a small amount of time it takes.
  Christian wives tend to leave the “fat books” and theology to their husbands. While this may look look “submissive” to some, it is actually disobedience. It is not enough that we know Proverbs 31, Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3 and 1 Corinthians 1 and 14. We have to know more than how to be a good wife. After all, our first calling is to be good Christians, and if we are good Christians, we will be good wives and mothers. We mustn’t be afraid to study topics other than those which directly deal with being a good wife and mother. We see in Scripture that women became disciples along with the men. What is a disciple? It is not a mindless follower. A disciple is a student--someone enrolled in a class.
  ...When Paul prohibits women from teaching men, he (in the same breath) requires Christian women to be students of the Word. “Let a woman learn...” (1 Tim. 2: 11)."   ~Nancy Wilson

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