Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Obama's Union Drops Its Mask and Shows Its True Colors

A May Day rally in Los Angeles, co-sponsored by the SEIU (Service Employees International Union), various communist groups, Latino organizations and other labor unions, represents yet another step in the increased celebration of communist and socialist militants since the Obama era began. Not only did the SEIU (one of Obama's favorite organizations - view the linked clip) help to sponsor the rally in conjunction with communists, they marched side-by-side with them, union members carrying communist flags, communists carrying union signs.

“Smash Capitalism” is a slogan the SEIU apparently endorses and doesn’t mind marching behind.  And in case you think the SEIU is some peripheral out-of-the-mainstream organization, please note that...
     SEIU devoted $28 million to Obama’s campaign, making it “the one organization that spent more than any other to help Barack Obama get elected president.” Also, who is Obama’s most regular White House guest and one of his closest advisors?  The answer is SEIU President Andy Stern, who has visited 53 times since President Obama was sworn in.  It's a matter of public record.

Communists and the union members marching together with common signs.  As the demonstration progressed, SEIU members chanted such slogans as "LEGALIZATION OR REVOLUTION!”
Marchers made a puppet of a demonic Statue of Liberty aligned with the “Tea Bag Party.

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