Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Red China & Russia are Behind the Islamic Terror & Nuclear Shutdown

What the End Goal Really Is in Iraq and Pakistan | LibertyNewsNetwork

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

True indeed.. one world government is at the bottom of a number of things. Seeing Chinese soviets, and radical islamists in bed together and working together toward world domination is no surprise. In the moslem writings, they make a big issue of teaching that ANY means, recruiting any other faction, even if "infidel" and opposed ultimately to islam's goals, is acceptible, even desirable. Recent rallies around the US, ostensibly promoting "Arab Spring" sorts of things, but ulitmately backed and promoted by communist organisations, have been happening. The move to gather nations together and make them dependent upon certain other nations for critical things, such as energy, security, technology, is increasing. Why else does our current chief executive work so hard at prohibiting ANY domestic oil production, yet pledge billions to Brasil and Colombia to develop THEIR petroleum resources?And hey, wasn't the original military conflict in Afghanistan over a natural gas pipeline through that nation? Promoted by the Russians? Who would GET the NG, then dole it out to nations like germany after shutting down Germanyb's nuclear power industry? How convenient....

It is always fascinating to me how foreign news media are so often able to bring a different angle on the news... one never seen in our own media. Even Canada's press are far more honest than our own... about OUR issues.

I recall Gary NOrth writing perhaps two years ago about a coming major power shift in the moslem world, where the ancient rivalry between branches of Mohamed's family after his assassination will duke it out, changing the center of power in the Arab world.... with energy and world dominatioin at the root of it all. He didn't mention Russia's involvement that I recall... but so far, we've watched things play out pretty much as he said it would....

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