Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Sweet Compromise of Neutrality

"John MacArthur says it is 'not necessarily' wrong to send your child to an institution that was created to defy God, continues to defy God, and succeeds abundantly in separating children from the faith of their parents...Contrary to MacArthur’s claims, public schools – and many Christian private schools – are pagan seminaries...Only a minister who is willing to challenge the sin of the multitudes is a true minister; the minister who has accepted the sweet compromise of moral neutrality is only an impostor..." ~Bojidar Marinov, The Sweet Compromise of Neutrality

Yes, my father worked for over 30 years as a teacher, but never sent us to government school except to teach his students about beekeeping. The scripture says, Blessed is the man who walks *not* in the council of the ungodly. How much more we should not send young children to spend 14 thousand seat hours in the council of the ungodly. The schools are a mission field, but not for young children. I know high school and college age students who go to make a difference and are a bright light in community. ~Regina

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