Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Looking for a good church in Bakersfield?

We all enjoyed Covenant Presbyterian in Bakersfield.  The components of the service fit together beautifully as the songs applied to the teaching.  

Pastor Randy Martin is an excellent teacher.  In Sunday School he taught about sharing our faith and assisted the students to list concepts people need to understand to come to faith in Christ.  He showed from a survey, that unless believers are trained in sharing their faith, 90% of the time, they do not.  

In the sermon, Randy reminded us that after St. Paul's  conversion, he spent three years in Ephesus, going house to house, teaching and equipping the church with humility and tears, before he met Peter. It was 14 years after his conversion before he met the rest of the apostles.  Paul used his biography of negative qualifications (a persecutor of the church), and abnormal apostleship (never walked with Jesus), not for humor or to build himself up, but to authenticate his message.  pcabakersfield/sermons/Authenticity

Covenant Presbyterian Church PCA Bakersfied

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