Monday, December 19, 2011


    Looking at both the origins and practical results of state-run education, Indoctrination takes you on a cross-country tour that's about the decline of American Christianity as well as the decline of schools. Featuring interviews with Christian teachers who couldn't teach Christianity to their students, notable homeschooling advocates Kevin Swanson, Samuel Blumenfeld, John Taylor Gatto, and homeschool celebrities Ken Ham, R.C. Sproul Jr. and Doug Phillips, filmmaker Colin Gunn accumulates conservative perspectives that will lead you straight to their conclusion: that Christians should never put their children into public schools.
    Focusing on the Marxist associations with the origins of schools, issues of sex education, physical safety from gunmen, whether Christians in schools can ever be "salt and light," whether public schools are politically neutral, and finally whether the public school system can be redeemed, Indoctrination dives into the heart of the Homeschool-Only debate with this part-documentary, part-testimonial DVD. 102 minutes on DVD.

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