Monday, August 23, 2021

Anthony Trimino, Christian Governor for California

Dear Pastor Hibbs, 

Although I am not a member of your congregation, I am well aware of your fight to maintain our constitutional rights to assemble and worship our Lord Jesus Christ. You are a leader in our nation standing for these rights and I have deep respect and gratitude for your sacrifice and example.  Thank you!

This week a friend of mine sent the link to your recent message: Comeback California with Larry Elder. I was very excited to listen to this message because of your proven constitutional knowledge, integrity and position as a pastor.  At the conclusion of this message I was deeply saddened.  Please allow me to explain my disheartened response.

Larry is a man of integrity and as he explained in this interview, he has a strong family history of overcoming injustices done to man. He appears to be a very qualified choice for the secular world.  As Christians we are called to have a different perspective.  We are called to have a Biblical worldview.  Across this country believers have had to fight for marriage and family values and the God given rights detailed in the Bible.  Scripture is very clear what marriage and family positions are.

During the message my concern rose when the entire congregation was asked to raise their hands to God in prayer for Larry Elder and his long time girlfriend.  God was asked to bless Larry and his girlfriend in their pursuit to becoming California's governor.  Our future governor will be called on to make decisions concerning marriage and families as well as many other topics.  I believe Larry's personal lifestyle choice shows he does not share Biblical family values.  

"If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and will heal their land."

Before we can expect God to heal our broken land, we must turn from our wicked ways.  Who we chose as leaders and influencers in our life is a reflection of our core values.  I believe Larry does not share the indisputable family values God has made so clear in Scripture.

There are other candidates who exhibit a biblical worldview.  God always gives a way to come back to him.  None of us is perfect, but living a life of "high handed sin" is not something which believers should overlook.  I am including a link to one candidate who has a strong business history, integrity and biblical core values.  This is not a political statement, I simply wish for you to know there are righteous choices for governor.  I do not believe we need to pick based on popularity or even skill.  I believe if we wish to ask God to heal our land, we MUST pick based on biblical values.  A perfect example of this is when God chose David to slay Goliath.  In God's hand all things are possible.  We must be obedient to God's holy and true word.

I wish no disrespect in this letter, as I have stated, I respect and appreciate you.

May God continue to guide, direct and keep you safe.

In His service,

Maggie Troutman

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