Saturday, September 20, 2008

Church at Kaweah Work Day

Warren Mark, Jodavid, Lance
Lance, Warren Mark, Warren Luke
Carol, surprised by Regina's camera.
Engineer Ray
Technition Darryl
Warren Mark and Warren Luke

Checking Off the List

Gerri & her 92 year-old Cleve
John 5:22-23
For the Father judges no one,
But has comitted all judgmnt to the Son,
That all should honor the Son
Just as they honor the Father
He who does not honor the Son,
Does not honor the Father who sent Him.

My Sweetheart!

The Most Steady, Faithful, and Handsome Man of All

Luke's Scuba Stories
Hunter green is the new church meeting house color.
Who is in the ski mask?

David H.,
On the roof are Ray and Lawrence
Watching David Harey paint
Victor, W. Mark, Jodavid, Vence Tella
Klocke Siblings
Our beloved son in whom we are well pleased
Do you see someone in the wild fig tree above?

Take a closer look!
"Hi Regina!"
Algebra after day of work
David and Esther and sons are
spending the night in "Eve's Mobile Home."
Dinah is ready to go with her sisters to Joyce's overnight.
Victor teaching Jodavid "math games"


Anonymous said...

How do you like the new church color? I thought it was pretty when it was white- but i just like white churches :)

Dinah said...

I do not think I would have chosen it, because on buildings I like lighter colors, but I will learn to love it because pastor is one of the best pastors and the people are wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I agree :)
It's the same with our new church- The Lordship Church- wonderful pastors(Warren Luke and Pastor Weaver) and wonderful people. I've really been enjoying the sweet fellowship. Am looking forward to enjoying the fellowship at Kaweah next week too!

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