Wednesday, December 10, 2008

20,000 more troops in US by 2011?

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

most interesting... and disconcerting. I seem to remember from civics classes years back that the US military are for defense against foreign threats, particularly on invasion of our soil. Each state was to have her own militia, we call them the National Guard these days, for domestic duties. In fact, during Revolutionary War times, it was the state militias which went into the fray as whole units, coming under the leadership of the various ranking officers at the national level. Now we're talking of US troops on duty nationwide? In fear of "civil unrest"? Could this be the preliminary plan to enable nationwide confiscation of ouur arms, restriction of our freedom to move about, enforce tyrannical taxation and property issues? Perhaps it would not be for these things initially, but we all know once a government mechanism is in place for one purpose it can the more easily be put to use for another. "after all, it's already there, istn't it?" Makes me wonder, now, just how much under the table collusion went on in this past election..... we've now got Obama in place, despite serious doubts as to his citizenship, and with strong ties to a foreign nation under heavy Islamic influence, and now the top military brass are coming off with a plan to emplace the means to total control within our borders, with a president who has brazenly come out in favour of disarming the citizenry....

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