Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Latin and Gardening

One of the ways we know that winter is here:

Dinah starts planting tomatoes for spring.

The tomato flats are actually in our living room window, and will be left there till our hard freezes are past. Then, I will set them in our greenhouse and watch the weather predictions. If a cool spell is predicted, I'll set them back in the window. I am very thankful for a mother who puts up with my “babies” in the house. Who would?

I love plants. It’s kind of like fasting when winter rolls around I long for the smell of the spring wet dirt and to see lush plants. I am astounded that plants thrive when all the right things are given them. Yet people tend not to thrive and complain, not recognizing the hand of our Heavenly Father who always does his will in our lives. And he has given us life.


Melody asked me to teach her Latin. We are both students.
I started learning Latin and had to quit when Grandpa died.
(Grandparents deaths are hard on grades:).

R.C. Sproul Jr. said that Latin increases our comprehension of English.

He wants his children to understand English well so they can understand the Bible.

They need to understand the Bible so they can know God better.

So, he teaches his children Latin so they can know God better.

I love it!

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Amazing you can actually think on planting tomatoes now. If we did this here in Washington, we'd be wasting our time, unless they were in a heated greenhouse with added grow lights. And in that case, the added power consumption would surely have Visitors coming round wondering about the power increase.... and searching diligently for certain green growing things.... no, we can't even think about tomatoes (or most other edibles) until late Feb in a mild year, and mid March in most.

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