Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lance's First Full Length Sermon

Lance gave a sermon entitled The Messianic Chararacter of American Education to a free (not incorporated) church. After his closing prayer they responded with several questions which Lance was delighted to answer.
One lady asked me, "Is that your son?"
I affirmed, "Yes he is."
She exclaimed, "Praise God!"
I asked Lance later if he is called to preach,
since some had asked me this.
He said he is NOT called to go to seminary,
but he loves to speak whenever God opens the door.

The Neel Family invited us over for a most delicious dinner.
Mrs. Neel says if she ever had a restaurant, she'd call it

Marilyn's Guinea Pig Gourmet

because she doesn't usually follow recipes.

Warm Wonderful Southern Hospitality

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