Monday, January 5, 2009

The Messanic Character of American Education

Mel's notes on Lance's sermon from her blog
Mel is on the right in both photos below.
The average child spends an average of 14,000 seat hours in the schools. Whoever controls those hours controls the future.

Horris Man said, “The common school is the greatest discovery ever made by man because you can impact the future." He believed that parents were the Godfathers of children and the State had the real responsibility for them.

Robert Owens said, “Education must precede socialism."
This is true because, as Bill Ayers said, “Education is the motorcar for revolution."

There was no need for the common school when it came in the 1830's. When children were taught by their parents and the clergy the literacy rate was 70%- 100%. Even the poor were not neglected. But the socialist and communist knew that the only way to create a communist society was to re-educate the next generation. They had long term vision.

Schools are not places of education any more- they are places of reform. They have taken God out of the schools and thereby created their own religion- humanism and State worship.

Education is the new savior. The more you learn the more you are saved. It is a modern day Tower of Babel- the higher you climb to closer you get to 'heaven'.

2 Cor. 10:5 - All subjects are thoughts therefore they must be immersed in Christ. We educators must never lose the vision of serving and advancing the kingdom of Christ. It is our responsibility- and of every Christian- to rebuild the walls of this broken down nation, and it's families just as Nehemiah did the walls of Jerusalem. We must NEVER send our children to the public schools- if we do send them to Caesar don't be surprised when they come back

Feminism and communism are inseparably linked. They have the same object in view- the destruction of the family and re-education of the children in order to bring about 'reform'.
"Feminism is not just an issue or a group of issues...It is the cutting edge of a revolution in cultural and moral values...The objective of every feminist reform, from legal child-care programs, is to undermine traditional family values." Ellen Willis

"Our culture, including all that we are taught in schools and universities, is so infused with patriarchal thinking that it must be torn up root and branch if genuine change is to occur. Everything must go- even the allegedly universal disciplines of logic, mathematics, and science, and the intellectual values of objectivity, clarity, and precision on which the former depend." Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge...

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Interesting you should post this just now. I've been reading Rushdoony's book "intellectual Schitzophrenia" lately, and last night's chapters dealt specifically with this very concept.Lance, perhaps you have read this book, if not, I'd highly recommend it. As always, he gets to the root of the issues behind common schooling for all.

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