Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap & Trade Bill

Nuclear Power is where we should be putting our efforts.

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Trouble with nuclear energy is that, a long tome ago, the "green cops" determined it should not be used... and have promoted very restrictive regulations that have, in essence, prevented any new nuclear generation plants being build for at least the past 20 years. Here in Washington, we had two nuclear plants under development, land purchased, permits in place, construction well underway. Somehow, some greenies petitioned some court and halted the progress of them both. Now we, the taxpayers of Washhington, pay ot a few million dollars a year to maintain the partly finished plants in "mothballs", deteriorating annually, so that, should the projects ever be resumed, the final cost will be greatly increased by having to tear down and rebuild sections of them damaged by exposure to the elements. THIS is the "greenpeace" legacy.

And until this sort of oligarchy is discarded in favour of government serving WE THE PEOPLE, nuclear power will not happen in the USA.

France have developed practices that enrich the partly spent cores for the reactors, and reuse them, resulting in almost NO waste. Much of their energy is nuclear based, and they have a perfect track record for safety. Yet the greenies whine on, we burn fossil fuel, now the greenies are crying about "global warming" and pressing for "carbon offsets"... seems like we are somehow under their rule and not the rule of law. I generally discount suggestions of conspiracy, but in this scenario I do wonder at times.......

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