Friday, June 26, 2009

Man-Made Drought in California

Your government is flushing farm water to the sea. Representative Devin Nunes contends for us, standing for sanity in Washington DC. Enviro groups fight for the water for 2" minnows. It is a religious issue. What GOD do we serve - the creation or the Creator? Rom. 1:25

John McArthur along with other pastor writers in a book, God, the Government and the Gospel, in a chapter - God's Carbon Footprint, the writers say Christians have no ecological responsibility.

We believe that this is wrong. When Christians abdicate our responsibility, the pagans get our authority by default. If we surrender to the enemy, we are aiding and abetting the enemy. posted by Lance

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

the lady worshipping the rick says it all... the greenies are the greatest threat to our economy. Why? They worship the wrong god, and demand we do as well. "truth is what we make it". Well, so far we've let them.

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