Friday, July 17, 2009

Dave Seppi 1917-2006

92 years ago today, Grandpa Seppi was born in a Utah mining camp
to an Italian immigrant family. He was 3 1/2 lbs.

Lena, Ida, Annie and Dave
Dave was much treasured by his family.
"I lived because my mother and sisters took care of me."

Regina, Gpa Dave, Gma Betty, Robin,
front: Elisa, Alex, Max and Erin
Christmas 1984

Grandpa Dave and I

Grandpa with Fama

Four Seppi Generations

1 comment:

Nick Jesch said...

Family history and photographs are SO amazing!!! It is so good to see a family that treasures them. It helps to preserve "generational continuity". The Bible is full of geneologies, and with good reasons. God does not want us to forget our past.

Before my Mother passed away, she took out a collection of old photos I'd never seen... I scanned them all, then opened them up on the commputer one by one.... and asked her to tell the story of that one and this one. I am SO glad we did this, as otherwise noo one would know that that tiny tin-type photograph was taken in 1862, and is of her Great Aunt Sophie.... or the other tin-type, taken in Tennessee in the same year, was of a young Union Army officer in full dress, who later became her husband after the war. aunt Sophie and Uncle Frank were very important to Mom when she was a little girl.

Its things like this that are so often forgotten, their significance is lost. And the family's history goes with them.
It is interesting how some cultures tend to value their history, and preserve it in story, pictures, even song. Italians are one of these..... part of what I like about them as a people!! (their great food doesn't hurt, either!!)

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